The novel takes place
as a party of heroes come out of retirement, heading into a mountain range in
search of riches. Remic does a decent
job of building out his initial world. The kingdom that these heroes inhabit is
only sketched out, but depth is added in incidental dialogue between
There’s mention of villains from the past, wars which are slowly
being forgotten, loyalties and betrayals
bubbling under the surface of the world.
Whilst the attention paid to this initial setting is a bit sparse, what
is in place manages to feel vivid and alive.
The setting shines, however, when it explores the Dwarven
caverns that our party of heroes are planning to loot. There’s a cavernous
claustrophobia to the underside of the mountains, a feeling of a society turned
in on itself, self-contained and self satisfied. At the same time, there’s a
wonderful sense of scale – the towering gates of the Dwarves, the intricacy and
baroque nature of their works, is emphasised in a narrative style which
otherwise feels very spare and clean. There’s a grandeur in the Dwarven city, but
also a sense of statis, and Remic manages to tease these out and combine them without
overwhelming or browbeating the reader.
The characters are an interesting conundrum. They seem almost
designed to fill roles – the axeman, the archer, the assassin, and so on. An
adventuring party, off on a dungeon crawl. But the nature of these old heroes,
the bonds that tie them together, are inferred and unspoken, and so we get
hints of a more complex set of relationships through the cracks in the
narrative. There’s moments of sparkling humanity in between the banter and the
action. The axeman’s relationship with his ex-fiancée is particularly well done, given a sense of
emotional freight and a level of nuance that it would have been nice to see
explored further, across all the character relationships. There are other quiet
moments between the characters of course, and it seemed like they had a lot of
room to grow, if given the chance – hopefully that’s something we might see in
later books in the series.
The villains are a mixed bag. There’s a couple who feel a
tad flat, more evil-for-the-sake-of-it than anything else. But there’s also a
couple with more complex histories, especially once the Dwarven plot gets
rolling. Whilst there’s still a lot of evil minions, there overlords have a bit
more heft behind them. Much like the heroes, I’m hoping that this level of
depth is something we might see strengthened and further explored in any later
That said, the lion’s share of the book, when it’s not
sliding character complexity in behind the reader’s back, is the plot. The
quest into the mountains, to retrieve a mountain of dwarven gold, is
wonderfully self interested. It also, of course, doesn’t go even slightly to
plan. Remic manages to pace the opening of the story perfectly, dropping the
reader enough context not to feel lost, then ramping up into moments of action
which are genuinely gripping. As the text progresses, and the reader picks up
more of the world, the action sequences become grander, and the stakes higher.
There’s some great stuff here – Remic’s fight scenes are elaborate, visceral,
and gripping. Sometimes it feels like they go a bit overboard – but at the same
time, this is a story which knows what it’s providing, and is hitting that
mark. There’s sword fights. Bowshot. At one point someone steps on a spine.
There’s blood everywhere, and most of the people who get an axe deserve it. The
stakes for the characters gradually increase, and Remic certainly had me
invested by the end.
The novel as a whole is rapid, unrelenting, gleefully
bloody, and happy to occasionally subvert expectations. I’d like to see the characters
explored a little more, but was typically distracted by this when someone’s
head fell off, or a chase began, or someone did a bit of cool magic, or…well,
you get the idea. This is unreformed fantasy, filled with treasure, violence,
the odd bit of magic – heroes you can understand, and villains you can hate. It
succeeds very well at doing what it wants to do – and I’m hoping it’s going to
expand on that as the series continues.
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