Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Scorpio - Marko Kloos

Scorpio is a new novel by Marko Kloos, who has found fame for his Frontlines series of military sci-fi, which I've reviewed favourably in the past. It's set in the same universe as those stories, but in an entirely different place, and from an entirely different perspective. 

And you know what, not to give the game away, but it's a good time. There's some gnarly, thoroughly visceral action, that Kloos writes with an immediacy and intimate tension that will leave you sweating. The story cracks along pretty swiftly, and I found myself unwilling to put the book down while I was finding out what happened next - which then led to the next thing happening, and so on. And the main character (more on her momentarily) is believably young and  often out of her depth, whilst also being competent, brave, and driven to succeed at doing what she loves.

Speaking of Alex. Alex Archer is a colonist on Scorpio, reaching for the dizzy old-age of twenty-one, in a future where humanity has embraced the stars. Unfortunately for Alex, the stars fought back. Her home was obliterated eight years previously by hostile entities known as "Lankies". As the story opens, the few hundred survivors have been buttoned up in a hardened installation known as The Vault for over eight years. Children have been born not knowing any other way of life, while outside their deep dark hole in the ground, those who devastated their world have turned it into a toxic hellscape unfit for human life. Much of the initial setup is Alex familiarising us with this world she lives in, one where the only thing keeping the lights on at home are dangerous "salvage runs" from the safety of their hidden vault, diving into the broken remnants of the thriving colony that existed eight years before. There's a claustrophobia inherent to the text in those pages, as well as a more literal one - she spends quite a lot of time inside an armoured vehicle on the way to a salvage site, or outside in horrible weather surrounded by unbreathable air, with the unseen possibility of alien-monster-related-disaster lurking ominously just out of shot. We can see in her a woman trying hard to build as much of a life as she can, to take joy in small things - like having a particular flavoured ration bar - that we might skip over ourselves. But while those things are beautiful, they're also small, and you can feel Alex, and her team, fighting the ragged edge of a losing war against time. And that edge is crumbling away beneath them, taking a toll that's physical as well as mental.  Still, Alex is a smart, personable protagonist, one we can easily sympathise with, who is doing her best to hold things together while the world crumbles around her - with her team, and her dog.

The dog, incidentally, is lovely. He gets to go outside in an APC because he's bene trained ot sniff out the aliens that snuffed out Alex's world. So now a woman and her dog ride out with salvage teams, keepinmg watch for extra-terrestrial terrors alongside the more mundsane ones of simple survival. Her buddy is a very good boy indeed, and Kloos manages to write them a bond that will be familiar to anyone with a beloved pet of their own. He's a working dog though, and takes it seriously - but Alex and her boy are in the mix together, always. There's opportunity there to give little dashes of kinbdness, of humanity, to the cast at large in their canine interactions - and the dog is also a proper character (indeed, a Proper Character!) in his own right. As a re the supporting cast, mostly surviving military grunts, who banter with Ash and each other, and try to figure out what they'll do next as and when something goes wrong on their latest dive into hell itself. I would've liked more time with the crew, this being a fairly short book, but I will say that I felt like I knew them as much as Alex did, by the time it ended.

The story? Ah, well, no spoilers. Being a new series in a new place, it takes awhile to spin up, but I think that the high-wire tension, the rising dread, and the aforementioned claustrophobic feel probably help with that. And when things do kick off, Kloos' writing absolutely shines. He can write combat that feels like you can hear the com-chatter in your ear, like the blood running out of a wound is your own, makes you feel the lives and eaths and last-moment defeats and searing comeback victories in those moment-by-moment firefights. High-stakes, deeply personal, and absolutely riveting.

In any event, this is likely to be popular with anyone coming off Frontlines and looking for another work with a similar vibe. And for everyone else, I'll say that this is a story with a well-crafted protagonist, an accessible prose that snaps you through pages, moment-to-moment stakes that always keep things feeling like they matter. Also there's massive aliens, auto-cannons, armoured vehicles, and, of course, a Very Good Dog. It's a fun read, and as ever, I look forward ot seeing where Kloos goes next.

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