The characters are the heart of this story. I’ve got an
especially soft spot for Riv, the
half-breed with self-control issues. Her entire world has been ripped asunder,
and this book doesn’t really let up on that. Riv is trying, so hard, to build
herself up, to hold on to the potential that others see in her. Her struggle to
write a new identity for herself is a fraught one, and you can feel the raw
emotion bubbling away within her. The conflict between a woman who desperately
wants to do the right thing, and the desire to lash out and bring down a system
which seems almost designed to keep that from happening – well, it’s felt
viscerally on the page. That Riv also kicks serious arse is a plus – watching her
learn and fight and fall and win, having got her hands dirty and rather bloody,
is inspirational reading. There’s also a well-crafted and somewhat troubled
romance rearing its head here – done in such a way that it feels genuine and an
organic outgrowth of events, which is a delightful rarity.
Then there's Drem. I rather like our hero-protagonist,
as he struggles to articulate who he is, what his feelings are, and tries to
find a way to get the rich inner world he experiences out in front of anyone
else. That’ s a raw, heartfelt struggle. Drem seems to spend a fair amount of
time either on the run, or caught up in blood-soaked skirmishes. Watching his confidence
surface through the text is great fun, and I was happy to be cheering him on
from the sidelines. He’s still quiet and struggling with parts of himself, but
definitely grows over the course of the text.
The character that sticks with me, though, oh that has to be
Fritha. Once the woman Drem held a torch for, now the high priestess of the
Kadoshim, whose penchant for murder and torture is not at all exaggerated.
Fritha’s viewpoint is some interesting emotional geography. She’s holding tight
to a savage emotional wound, and that allows us to feel empathetic toward her
excision of that pain, even when doing so leads to utter ruin for our heroes.
Fritha is smart, driven, and focused. She also is more than capable of doing
absolutely terrible things in service to her goals, and the story doesn’t flinch
away from showing us that. This delving into the mind of the villain is
masterfully done. Even as I recoiled from her, I could see how Fritha had
started down her particularly unpleasant road, and what the price of that had
been .Every time she showed up on the page was a tense mix of delight and
burgeoning horror; as an antagonist, she’s complex, believable and makes compelling
I talked a lot about the world of this series when reviewing
the previous book. Suffice to say, there’s more here of what I loved then. The
soaring fortresses of the giants are stunningly realised. The forests that our
protagonists tramp through are dark, mysterious and teeming with life. The
crunch of feet on the deep snows of the Desolation feels crisp, and you can
almost feel the icy wind on your face as you turn the page. The environment is rich, detailed, and comes
alive in your hands.
There’s politics here, too, the world of people to go
alongside the natural. And my, there’s so much scheming going on. I mean, the
Kadoshim are fallen servants of the divine. They’re often monstrous, but have
surprising moments of vulnerability. Their schemes tend to be a bit more
focused, and the monsters that they put into play are both repellent and
magnetic. The Ben-Elim, though, the eternal enemies of the Kadoshim; they’re an
odd lot. Convinced of their own superiority as guardians of humanity, they have
a penchant for heavy-handed arrogance which makes them unsympathetic at best.
If humanity are on both sides of this war, it’s worth noting that even the ‘good’
Ben-Elim are not often nice people. They have, it seems, just as much a
capacity for treachery, realpolitik and deceit as anyone else, and possibly
more, having wrapped themselves up in a tale of their own effortless
superiority which…may not exactly be borne out. Though the Kadoshim are
definitely the baddies (oh my yes), they come by it honestly. The Ben-Elim claim
to be on the side of right, but that doesn’t make them automatically possessed
of virtue. Often quite the opposite. You can see in every word they speak the
incalculable arrogance which suggests that the war they’ve found themselves in
is of their own making.
Anyway. You’ve come
this far. You’ve read the excellent A Time of Dread, and you want to know if
you should read the sequel.
Yes. Yes you should.
It’s got everything you loved about the first book – be it
the bloody, close-quarter, no-holds barred fight scenes, the fast-paced, tense
plotting, the detailed world building, or the complex characterisation. But
more. Yes. More. This book takes everything from its predecessor and turns it
up to eleven.
I can’t wait to see where John Gwynne takes us next.
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