The central conceit of the novel is that there are
operatives in the future, the marvellously named “Chronmen”, who travel back in
time to loot resources from other, better provisioned eras. The protagonist is
one such Chronman. The setting of the novel thus jumps about a bit. There are
digressions into the Carthaginian period, and the second World War, but also time
spent in our own near and more distant future, along with the dystopia that our
protagonist calls home. At each of these locations, the author makes an effort
to create a vivid and believable world, and largely succeeds.
The historical time periods will feel familiar to anyone who
watched Gladiator or Indiana Jones – but each of the other periods feels
similarly real. In part this is due to the level of detail and multi-layered descriptions
made available, and in part it’s due to the plausible nature of the times and
era presented.
The best of these is probably the one that frames the ‘now’ of
the novel – the ostensible time of the main character. That our protagonist,
living in a rather unpleasant , shattered version of the world considers it normal
is depressing – but that normality, that grinding sense of oppression, obsolescence
and decay is transmitted, with pitch perfect acuity, to the reader. In part
this is due to the wider canvas, which Chu paints with a palpable sense of dead
and expectation. The dead seas. The need for technology to provide clean air.
But it’s also due to the small details wrapped around the descriptions of this
wider canvas. In the way that characters internal monologues simply accept
their appalling situation. In the way that corporate power is accepted as a
species of divine right. In the way that every vehicle is laced with grime,
rust and decay except for those owned by secretive corporations.
The author provides a multiplicity of
settings, and it speaks well for the quality of the prose that each of them is
both unique and believable. But the broken ‘present’ of the Chronmen is masterful, not just because it’s drawn well,
but because the characters that inhabit it seem to carry it with them, no
matter what period we find them in. The world created is in perfect harmony
with the miserable, angry characters which inhabit it. The setting is as
welcoming to the reader as a punch in the gut, and as forceful – because it has
a terrifying veneer of the real about it, and the author’s skill has made that
veneer seem frighteningly possible.
Of course the world is nothing without characters to inhabit
it. Here we again get a multiplicity of viewpoints. The Chronman who acts as
the protagonist is bitter, broken,
wallowing in self-interest and interested in self destruction. In part this is
evoked by the setting, above; but the reader can also find it in his internal
monologue, and in the fraught tone of each interaction with others. There’s
some emotional damage alluded to at the start of the text, which becomes
clearer as the narrative evolves – and the character evolves alongside it. Personally
I would have liked to have seen more of this evolution, mined the depths of a
psyche scarred by tragedy and the horror of watching countless deaths in the
past – but whilst the author may not mine this as deeply as they could, what is
presented is wonderfully horrifying. The Chronman as a protagonist is believable
because of his flaws, his unlikable, abrasive nature – a classic antihero. If
we’ve seen the archetype before, this is an excellent variation on the theme;
if I say anything for the Chronman, I would say he feels worryingly human.
The same level of care appears to have been expended on the
supporting cast. The central antagonist of the piece gets their own space in
the text, their own internal monologue. They have a set of drives and
motivations which make them seem at worst ambiguous, and at best, like the
protagonist, entirely human – merely tied to a different set of moral
standards. The supporting cast are well rounded, and certainly have their own
goals, thoughts, motivations also – and the author does a good job of
portraying of portraying the difference in perspectives across different time
There’s some things in the characterisation that it would
have been nice to see further developed. For example, there’s an understated
romance moving through the narrative, and it actually works quite well – but
the overall arc feels a bit abrupt, and it would have been good to have some
more exploration in this area. Similarly, there’s a degree to which the
corporations of the future act as a systemic antagonist – and whilst this works
in the context of this book, it would have been interesting to see a more
ambiguous portrayal, rather than one actively antagonistic. In both cases, I’m
hoping the next book in the series will expand on the existing context, and
give it a little more oomph; what is there in the current text is sufficient to
make it believable, but it would be great to see a more multi-textual
exploration of both antagonistic and romantic relationships.
Finally, the plot. This starts off as a slow burn, as our
protagonist infiltrates the past for various reasons. We’re given a view of
several of the characters, and introduced to the status quo. And then…things
change, and we’re off to the races. In between the characterisation and the
setting, there’s an action-packed core. Wes Chu writes fight scenes with dynamic
enthusiasm and a kinetic energy that (almost literally) jumps off the page. The
plot has other sides of course. There’s some discussion of the ethics and
morality of time travel. The subtextual discussion of the role of private and
public sector in the lives of citizens. The less subtextual attempts to save
the broken future. It feels like there’s something for everyone. Each of these
strands is woven together into a coherent whole. Where there are narrative gaps,
the quickfire pacing typically manages to elide them; there are some moments
where the momentum stutters a little, but typically the book is very hard to
put down.
Overall, this is a rocket of a novel. A fast-paced sci-fi
thriller. It asks a lot of interesting questions, and whilst some of the
answers may be a bit in-your-face, the series has a great deal of potential. If
you’re in the mood for something with a unique setting, rapid fire plot,
interesting characters, and a solid science-fiction feel, this will definitely
be worth a look.
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