So, it’s a mash up of the Forgotten Realms universe and a
mystery novel – but is it any good/ The answer, perhaps somewhat surprisingly,
is yes.
From a setting point of view, there’s initially not much in
the way of surprises. The narrative is set within the ancient and decrepit mansion
of Oldspires, which is surrounded every so often by a ‘Spellstorm’, a tornado
of cataclysmic magic which seals everything
magical inside the mansion. Given
that the largest part of the narrative takes place inside the mansion, it needs
to be drawn well, and Ed Greenwood puts some serious effort into this. Each
creaking stairway, each darkened corner is lovingly crafted, with the slightest
sense of eerie menace, mixed in with a feeling of a slow, sad, but inevitable
decline. It’s an aesthetic that’s drawn carefully from the Edwardian mansions
of Poirot and Sherlock Holmes, and it serves the same purpose here. The house,
if not actually alive, certainly feels that way; a nest of passageways,
kitchens with doors that bar on the inside, and a top floor in a state of
advanced disintegration all serve to generate a feeling of unease and
This isn’t helped by the characters. Some, if not all, of these will be familiar to readers of the Forgotten Realms oeuvre. Sealed in the mansion and unable to work magic due to the titular Spellstorm are a selection of the most powerful wizards in the word of Faerun. Unsurprisingly, they appear unable to stand the sight of each other, as well. There’s a couple of out-and-out villains, a few slightly less awful than the rest, and Elminster, the semi-protagonist, who attempts to use the impromptu conclave to force everyone to just get along, and stop trying to murder each other and everyone else. The unpleasant mages are shown competently enough – unfortunately, we don’t see enough of a lot of them to make them worth investing in. The bodycount rises rather rapidly, and whilst there’s a lot of focus on the investigations and the doings in, there’s less on the characters. Possibly they all had quirks revealed in other books, but as a stand-alone, the majority of the mages are ciphers, there to add to the roll of the dead, but not given room to breathe.
There are some exceptions of course. Manshoon, one of the
mages, is wry, dry, and impressively unpleasant. He also appears to have a
remarkable level of competence and surviviability. Another mage, a survivor of
gross torture and imprisonment, shows off her pain and focus throughout the
text, never understated, but never playing to grotesquery. It seems the author can
give a good character piece when he has the chance, but most of the characters
never really get a feeling of depth. The other for whom this isn’t the cases
is, of course, Elminster – the heroic wizard-sage featured across a great many Forgotten
Realms novels, in various stages of grand hyperbole. Here, without magic, he’s
rather more prone to grumbling and deduction. He’s also given enough space in
the text to talk about his motivations, what he’s doing at the conclave, what
his end goal is, and how he’s feeling about the whole thing – and it’s a
pleasure to read. He’s attended by a small cast of supporting characters, to
fetch, carry, make sarcastic remarks, and point each other in the direction of
the plot. Again, they don’t get enough room to themselves, and there’s obviously
a history shared across other novels that the uninitiated reader is going to
miss out on – but it’s serviceable enough; the characters are fleshed out
sufficiently to make us care about them, certainly more than the antagonists,
and given enough quirks of personality to both make them unique and make the
reader chuckle at their banter.
From a plot point of view, the whole thing trots along quite
nicely. It’s got a fairly solid opening, filled with explosive demolitions,
before turning to the main mystery theme. The mystery of the wizard murders is
interesting enough, though the reader isn’t given a lot of time to think about
it – each time you think there’s time to take a breath and think it through,
another character drops dead, and there’s another fast-paced set of running
around and investigation. The narrative actually wraps around this quite
skilfully – the question of how all the murders are being committed, and why,
remains solvable but opaque until the last few pages. I’m not convinced that the
denouement was entirely worth the journey to get there, but the journey itself
was a lot of fun.
Overall then, a decent page turner, in an underused
sub-genre; there’s very few good fantasy mysteries, and this one, if not great,
certainly has excellent aspirations. If you’re a Forgotten Realms fan, it’s
certainly worth reading – and if you’re looking to dip your toe in the water,
it’s a pretty good introduction to the world as well.
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