The protagonist of the text is a girl called Lily. She comes
to the reader at the start, as a scion in a mining family; one who has no
interest in mining, and not much interest in marriage either. Her family lament
this – though there is a wonderfully sympathetic scene near the start with her
father - and it all goes about as well as you might expect. Shortly thereafter,
a person important to Lily disappears, and she takes it upon herself to find
them; in this way, she starts a heroes journey which is also an escape,
breaking out of the roles that tradition had already defined, and looking to
become something else, something that she defines herself.
As a protagonist, Lily is quite believable; impetuous, yes. Affectionate
to friends and family. Strong willed,
absolutely. Given that this text was originally written at the start of the
nineties, when there was something of a dearth of strong female leads in
sci-fi, and given that there still is, in many ways, this is refreshing stuff.
As a protagonist, Lily is wonderfully human. She makes decisions, and, on
occasion, they don’t turn out well. She
leaps to the aid of friends and family…and sometimes that doesn’t turn out
exactly as expected, either. But behind all of these decisions is a logic, an
understanding, and a will to act. What the author does is provide this set of
decisions with an emotional authenticity which makes Lily an entirely believable
protagonist, and one it’s a pleasure to read (that she also excels at unarmed
combat, allowing for some excellent fight scenes, is another plus).
The prose is some good stuff, as seems to be standard with
Elliot. It’s full of snappy dialogue, wrapped around fight scenes that carry
the lean impetuousness of the Matrix, but with a feeling of greater heft behind
them. The story never flinches away from hard truths either, and the prose
reflects that – largely straightforward, unadorned, but with a feeling of
honesty that makes the pages come alive. The broader plot is revealed after
Lily begins searching for a missing associate, and I won’t spoil it here,
except to say that it’s done very well – there’s a sense of increasing stakes
through the narrative, as Lily and her supporting cast move from one crisis to
another, with the lulls between wrapped around moments of character.
Overall then, this is a fast paced, well written space
opera. It’s also a raw and effective character piece. It has action scenes that
seem to leap off the page and kick you in the teeth, and emotional moments that
can move the reader to tears. It’s doing a lot of things, and it struggles a
little with focus occasionally because of that, but it does manage to do them
all well. With that in mind, I’d say
that A Passage of Stars is totally worth your time – I certainly enjoyed it
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