I'll say this for Hearne. He obviously spent some time in Glasgow, and the rest of Scotland. The locations central to the story are provided in vivid detail, and with obvious affection. Being able to describe a gin-bar down to the ground, including the menu and a favourite drink order, is the sort of detail work that makes the city come alive. There's maybe a bit of the cultural Disneyland about it, but in general, Glasgow is approached here with honesty, but also with a positive energy that infuses the locations with an energy and grace you sometimes miss in stories desperate to make of Glasgow something more noir, I think the less urban locations suffer a bit by comparison, but maybe its just that we spend less time in them, relatively speaking. If this isn't the Glasgow you know, it at least has shades of it in its metaphorical hair, and it feels right, at least most of the time. I'll also note there's a pronunciation guide at the front of the book, which is, if nothing else, rather good fun - it has a touch of the sly humour that makes Hearne such an entertaining read.
We've already touched on Al MacBharrais. But suffice to say that rather than our typical action hero, he's something of a different mettle. A man in his sixties, with a penchant for a hat, a long coat, a cane and a slow dram, he is perhaps more thoughtful than Hearne's previous protagonists. That said, inhabiting the same supernatural world as the Iron Druid, he does come with all manner of ethereal connections to other realities and bits of magic. MacBharrais has a tendency to, well, look before he leaps which is rather refreshing. Considers how to solve a problem with the least harm. And, you know, isn't totally unable to pull out cans of magical murder if required, in his undercover role as a combination of supernatural law enforcement and immigration officer for the gods , goblins and godawfuls of about thirty different planes. He's joined by a whole cavalcade of memorable supporters, most of whom I won't spoil here, but a quick shout out to his office manager, Nadia, for being very much of a certain arse-kicking goth vibe, and receptionist Gladys-Who-Has-Seen-Some-Shit, who is, well, Canadian. More on that next time, maybe. I like the interactions between MacBharrais and his staff, who are, in many ways that natter, also his friends and connection to humanity, and I enjoy that they enjoy a clarity of moral purpose - there's never any real question that they, at least, are the good guys.
Which is just as well, because the plot is a supernatural potboiler that has more than a few bad guys, on multiple continents. It's a murder mystery and a thriller and occasionally a brutally kinetic action movie. I've always applauded Hearne's pacing, and want to do so again here - the story does let up, from time to time, gives us room to breathe, but it never entirely unhooks you from the first page, and it's very easy to read just one more until it's three in the morning and you're realising you have to go to work in a few hours. Without all the convoluted backstories of a longer running series, Ink & Sigil is a fast flowing adventure, and if you're looking for a popcorn book to devour over the course of your commute, I recommend it entirely. It's fun, and has some nice things to say about family and trust and building community. And it also has a lot of magic and mayhem to back it up. Give it a whirl.