Maradaine is a large, multi-districted city, and it has the
energy and diversity on the page to back that up. There’s chemists shops, bars,
restaurants, and all of the apparatus of civic life. Up to a point, anyway.
We’re not in Maradaine to see the civic buildings or scenic police headquarters
this time though – here, we’re in Holver Alley. It is, to be kind about it, not
the nicest place in the city.
The law doesn’t show up much in Holver, perhaps
because it’s been paid not to, and perhaps because it’s indifferent. Instead,
there’s a combination of people organising for themselves, and a more criminal
element sitting over the top, skimming whatever cream is available. Maresca makes it at once fantastic and
familiar – the urban issues faced in the Alley are those common to large
conurbations everywhere, but in this case the gangs have crossbows and mages.
The alley succeeds in feeling like a neighbourhood – one where everyone knows
everyone else. They may not like everyone else, but that’s hardly the point.
This is a relatively small, close-knit community, used to being ignored or acted
upon by those above it in the social food chain – and that closeness and
strength give the book its heart – personified by the links between the
Before talking about the characters though, I wanted to
mention something else done well in the background – the stratification of
society, even in Holver Alley. There’s a sense of the regular people, and those
just getting by, dipping in and out of the fringes of the extra-legal. Then
there’s the wealthy, whose immense influence allows them to break into
communities, to buy influence and wellbeing, to set their own needs above the
community – their own goals over the whole. It’s a quiet thread this, running
beneath angry dialogue and the occasional brawl within the text, but it’s an
important and powerful one.
Our protagonists are the Rynax brothers – once professional
thieves. Now, after the war that has shaped Maradaine has come to a close, one
of them is a settled family man – and the other is suffering from combat
strain. Their relationship is close, and friendly, and the effort they put into
sustaining the link between them, even when they appear to be poles apart, is
obvious. Watching the one interact with his family, his love for his life and
his baby is clearly balanced closely with concern for his brother, a man who
believes he might lash out with lethal force at any moment. Here is a Rynax everyman,
a voice for the reader.
The other Rynax, damaged by the war, is something else
entirely. He’s tortured by his concern for his brother and their family, and
the feeling that he’s only one poorly placed word away from catastrophic levels
of violence. There’s the sense of a man on the boil, struggling to drag himself
back from the brink. But he’s also quick on his feet, mentally and physically –
watching him throw a plan together is breathtaking, and often highly
entertaining. Watching him take on groups of antagonists singlehanded is
similar – but emotionally leavened by the possibility that this wrath could be
turned on his friends. Still, combat shock is being looked at here in the raw,
treated sensitively, with a string feeling of the impact it has on both the
individuals suffering from it, and those close to them. There’s emotional heft
here, rawness and a sense of understanding, which makes, at times, for a
heartbreaking read – but at the same time, one which feels genuine. I’d
recommend the book for this portrayal alone.
The Rynax boys are backed up by a cast of misfits – from
street urchins with a bad attitude, to crossbow-snipers with a bad attitude, to
carriage drivers and strongmen. As each has a role in the crimes shown off
here, each gets their time on the page, and a little more room to shine – but
together, in gestalt, they’re a charming, entertaining and prickly mob, whom
you’d be happy to buy a round for – with an eye on your wallet.
The same can’t really be said for the antagonists. Much of
the text, their composition and goals seem mysterious. I’d like to have seen a
little more from them, to give them a modicum of the depth and emotional
connection that we have with the Rynax boys and their team. On the other hand,
the more the enemy present themselves, the more unpleasant they obviously are –
and so on that basis, they serve their purpose perfectly well. There’s a few
moments where villainy is laid bare – it would be nice to have seen it seeping
off the pages.
The plot – well, no spoilers, but this is basically a heist
novel. The Rynaxes get a team together to investigate why their lives are
suddenly in turmoil, and this calls for a certain amount of breaking, entering,
and indeed looting. There’s some fantastic planning scenes, as the team pieces
together exactly what they’re going to do and when. Then there’s the tension of
the job, and this is something which is brought out to perfection – each action
is watchmaker-precise, and each failure can lead to a cascade of other failures
– watching the team anticipate and deal with these (or not) is agonising and
wonderful. The whole narrative is tightly plotted, and each page makes you want
to turn to the next – it’s got fires, knife fights, brawls, daring escapes,
explosions, and a lot of heart – and as such, I’m looking forward to seeing
what adventures the Holver Alley Crew go onto from here.
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